Christmas, Mexico by Conrad Hilberry

Christmas, Mexico by Conrad Hilberry December here, with sun and the faint smell of wood smoke in the air— a late September day. The jasmine drops a few last blooms; limes swell and ripen, one by one, outside the door. Dusk comes a little earlier. Here, we will have months or years to eat theContinue reading “Christmas, Mexico by Conrad Hilberry”

Mexico Seen from the Moving Car by Michael McClure

Mexico Seen from the Moving Car by Michael McClure THERE ARE HILLS LIKE SHARKFINS                              and clods of mud. The mind drifts through in the shape of a museum, in the guise of a museum dreaming dead friends: Jim, Tom, Emmet, Bill. —Like billboards their huge faces droop and stretch on the walls, on the wallsContinue reading “Mexico Seen from the Moving Car by Michael McClure”